We Care About Your Mind, Body and Spirit
As you are reading these words, you may be looking over your shoulder –maybe not literally, but in the inner dialogue of your mind. It feels like disloyalty to be thinking about legal action involving your family. While things were not great, they are what you know. Everything and everyone is in their place. People can change, you think to yourself. You are filled with doubt. Things can get better if we just work harder.
We hope you are right.
But hear this clearly –there is nothing wrong with gathering information. Educating yourself by reviewing this site or even visiting with one of our lawyers does not mean you are going to get a divorce. It is not, in and of itself, a betrayal. You are not giving up just yet. Getting information about your rights, duties and responsibilities as it relates to your family is an act of self-care and self-preservation.
Right now, you may be feeling angry. While everybody who is married gets angry with his or her spouse from time to time, now it’s different. Your not sure you will get over it. While you never wanted your marriage to end up like this, divorce may be the logical next step. It may even be a dignified response to the recent events or the culmination of years of this type of behavior, and you have finally had enough. Your friends and family may even be further along in the process than you. One thing is clear –you know you need legal counsel. You are just not sure from whom.
You may be in denial, which is another healthy part of the grieving process. Sure, everyone is telling you to talk to an attorney about your marriage, but there is hope inside of you that life will be exactly what you dreamed about on your wedding day. As long as everyone is breathing, there is a possibility, even if a small one, of restoration and reconciliation. You are confused about what may happen, but you are torn about what to do. You just need some questions answered and a little clarity about where you stand. You are not ready to start the process of divorce, but you don’t want to make a mistake either. You can’t take chances with your children, your business, and your retirement, but you don’t even know where to begin. Your life feels like a 10,000 piece puzzle that has been thrown on the ground.
Another healthy feeling is sadness. You have never been this low before. You cannot sleep. You cannot eat. You have no energy. You cannot concentrate at home or at work. There is a cloud of unhappiness following you everywhere you go. You know you need to see a lawyer, but you don’t want to cry through the whole meeting. Hugs from friends and family bring temporary comfort, but you just cannot move your way through the fog your life has become. Your kids are starting to realize things are not as they should be. Everything is so overwhelming you just want to crawl in bed and pull the covers over your head.