AdviceAttorney RelationshipCraig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law The Truth the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth It happens all the time and I can see it coming from a mile away. There will be an uncomfortable pause in our meeting and…Craig RoberstonDecember 15, 2010
Craig RobertsonCustodyDivorceMississippi Family LawPost-Divorce Don’t Kick the Ant Bed When I was a kid, I loved to kick ant beds. Admittedly even as a reasonably mature adult, when I cut the yard and spot…Craig RoberstonDecember 1, 2010
Attorney RelationshipCraig RobertsonCustodyDivorceMississippi Family LawPost-DivorceVisitation If I Could Give You a Magic Wand… One of my favorite questions in an initial meeting with a potential Mississippi family law client is this: “If I could give you a magic…Craig RoberstonNovember 24, 2010
Craig RobertsonCustodyDivorceMississippi Family LawVisitation Your Kids and the Holidays Next week is Thanksgiving and I can always expect a few calls from clients that are finding it impossible to work with their spouse to…Craig RoberstonNovember 20, 2010
AboutAdviceAttorney RelationshipCraig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law Should I Call My Mississippi Divorce Attorney After Hours? This weekend I got a call from a client at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. He is one of my favorites. While the issue meant…Craig RoberstonNovember 18, 2010
Craig RobertsonCustodyDivorceMississippi Family Law The Storm Before the Calm There is a period of time before a court gives divorcing parties rules to follow that I like to call the “Storm before the Calm.”…Craig RoberstonNovember 18, 2010
Craig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law Irreconcilable Differences A “no fault” divorce through agreement is called irreconcilable differences. You and your spouse can agree that you want to be divorced and agree to…Craig RoberstonOctober 29, 2010
Craig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law Fault The more aggressive way that one can get a divorce is if you or your spouse has a reason. Sometimes I have no choice but…Craig RoberstonOctober 29, 2010
Craig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law Habitual Cruel and Inhuman Conduct The most commonly pled but most difficult ground for divorce to prove is Cruelty. Habitual cruel and inhuman conduct is a culmination of conduct perpetrated…Craig RoberstonOctober 29, 2010
Craig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law Adultery I was shocked at how common adultery is when I first started practicing law. Adultery does not require proof of sexual intercourse. Adultery can be…Craig RoberstonOctober 29, 2010