Attorney RelationshipCraig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law Specialization and Geography A few days ago a pastor friend asked for a referral to a criminal attorney for the family of a church member. To be able…Craig RoberstonOctober 16, 2014
Craig RobertsonCustodyDivorceLifeLoveMississippi Family Law Tell Your Kid This I had a client sit with me today who is staring down the barrel of his second divorce. He and his wife do not have…Craig RoberstonOctober 4, 2014
Craig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law A Bad Divorce Last week, Rachel and I were talking in the kitchen about a new acquaintance, and Rachel commented, “I think she and her first husband went…Craig RoberstonOctober 1, 2014
Craig RobertsonCustodyDivorceMississippi Family LawVisitation The Reverse Logic of a Child Custody Case I am coaching girl’s softball this fall. At least for this semester, we have become one of “those” families with activities almost every night –soccer,…Craig RoberstonSeptember 24, 2014
Craig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law The Jig is Up Rachel and I have lied to our kids their whole lives. I am not proud of it. I certainly want my relationship with our children…Craig RoberstonSeptember 15, 2014
Alienation of AffectionCraig RobertsonDivorceFinancial PlanningMen's IssuesMississippi Family Law All My Money A lot of people are talking and writing about the life of Robin Williams in light of his tragic death. I have watched a few…Craig RoberstonAugust 14, 2014
Craig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law Legal Separation in Mississippi There are lots of common questions I get in my practice about divorce, but one of the most frequent is whether or not Mississippi recognizes…Craig RoberstonJuly 24, 2014
Craig RobertsonDivorceMarriageMen's IssuesMississippi Family LawParenting Divorce and Contacts Yesterday I took my oldest daughter to be fitted for contacts. She has been wearing glasses for a couple of years, but liked the potential…Craig RoberstonMay 28, 2014
Craig RobertsonCustodyDivorceMississippi Family Law Psychos, Sociopaths and Narcissists When I got to Mississippi State, I took my first psychology class. It met in an auditorium and had probably 300 students. It was obviously…Craig RoberstonMay 21, 2014
Alienation of AffectionCraig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law Uber and Technology in Divorce There is new technology in big cities across the world that uses geomapping to connect people who need rides with people willing to give them. …Craig RoberstonMay 9, 2014