Craig RobertsonCustodyDivorceMississippi Family Law The Mistake-Proof Divorce with Children It happens almost every time I am in court. I will be cross examining a witness and he or she will ask me a question…Craig RoberstonMarch 29, 2011
Attorney RelationshipCraig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law Minutiae So I am working this case with a lawyer who does not practice family law. She is blowing up my email about things that in…Craig RoberstonMarch 21, 2011
Alternative Dispute ResolutionCraig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family LawTrials A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush Most everyone knows the old saying that A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush. According to , it means that…Craig RoberstonMarch 1, 2011
AdviceCraig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law Back to School Have you ever had the dream where you were in school and mid-semester you remembered that you had totally forgotten to attend a certain class?…Craig RoberstonFebruary 17, 2011
Craig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family LawSpiritual Life Define Your Divorce My goal is not to be defined by what I do for a living, but define how I do what I do for a living.…Craig RoberstonFebruary 9, 2011
Alternative Dispute ResolutionAttorney RelationshipCraig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law Can One Lawyer Represent Two People in a Divorce? On occasion I get a phone call or speak to someone about their divorce and they tell me that everything is going to be simple…Craig RoberstonFebruary 6, 2011
Craig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law Driving in the Snow in Mississippi and Divorce This morning a recording of the school superintendant’s voice called my house at 5 am to tell me that school is closed. When I got…Craig RoberstonFebruary 4, 2011
AdviceCraig RobertsonDivorceLoveMarriageMarriage HelpMississippi Family LawSpiritual Life Being Hit By a Pitch I had the privilege to play baseball two seasons for Coach Ron Polk. He is an iconic figure in Mississippi State University athletics, the winningest…Craig RoberstonJanuary 30, 2011
Craig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law The Backlash I used to fish some. In college, my friend Jerry Dupuy and I would ask folks around Starkville if we could fish in their ponds…Craig RoberstonJanuary 27, 2011
AdviceAttorney RelationshipCraig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law Your Own Brand of Garbage There is a time in the initial consultation with a potential Mississippi family law client when we have finished talking about all the biographical data,…Craig RoberstonJanuary 26, 2011