Alternative Dispute ResolutionCraig RobertsonCustodyDivorceMississippi Family Law Building Sandcastles I am sitting in a coffee shop in Starkville finishing this entry started at the beach –hence the analogy. We finished the first day of…Craig RoberstonOctober 1, 2013
AdoptionCraig RobertsonCustodyDivorceFamilyLoveMarriageMississippi Family LawSpiritual Life Family is a Choice I think one of the scariest things a person faces when divorcing in Mississippi, or anywhere for that matter, is that their family will look…Craig RoberstonSeptember 23, 2013
Alternative Dispute ResolutionCraig RobertsonDivorceLifeLoveMarriageMississippi Family LawSpiritual Life It Is Cheaper to Keep Her I am proud I have a pretty good record in our Mississippi family law and divorce courts. The main reason is because I do my…Craig RoberstonSeptember 18, 2013
Attorney RelationshipCraig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law Divorce is White Water Rafting Last weekend I went white water rafting on the Ocoee River with nine guys I do an edgy Christian men’s group with on Tuesday mornings. …Craig RoberstonAugust 22, 2013
AdviceAttorney RelationshipCraig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law Attack of the Lawyer There is a pretty common tactic in a hotly contested divorce I rarely think about, but was reminded of just last week –The Attack of…Craig RoberstonMay 20, 2013
Craig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law Temporary Hearings in Mississippi I got up early this morning in eager anticipation of today’s events. It’s game day –the day for my client’s temporary hearing. Years ago I…Craig RoberstonApril 3, 2013
Craig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family LawPost-Divorce The Grief Cycle in Divorce I am not a fan of Valentine’s Day. This dates back to elementary school. Do you remember wondering if you were going to get balloons from…Craig RoberstonFebruary 13, 2013
Alternative Dispute ResolutionCraig RobertsonDivorceMississippi Family Law You Should Mediate Your Divorce Although I have been a divorce lawyer for 14 years, I have never been divorced. Well, let me take that back, I did get divorced…Craig RoberstonJanuary 24, 2013
Craig RobertsonDivorceMarriage HelpMississippi Family Law Divorce Remorse I was talking to a client today I saw for the first time back after Thanksgiving. When we did our goal sheet, his primary objective…Craig RoberstonJanuary 14, 2013
Craig RobertsonDivorceLifeLoveMarriageMarriage HelpMississippi Family Law I’m Divorced, I’m Separated, I’m Miserable, What Now? Happy New Year! I have been intentionally silent in the blogosphere and email blast world for the last few weeks since our big gala for…Craig RoberstonJanuary 2, 2013