Craig RobertsonDivorceLifeLoveMarriageMississippi Family LawSpiritual Life Mississippi Hates Divorce Mississippi hates divorce. Time and time again our legislators refuse to make it easier to get one. Being the representative or senator associated with divorce…Craig RoberstonOctober 28, 2013
AdoptionCraig RobertsonCustodyDivorceFamilyLoveMarriageMississippi Family LawSpiritual Life Family is a Choice I think one of the scariest things a person faces when divorcing in Mississippi, or anywhere for that matter, is that their family will look…Craig RoberstonSeptember 23, 2013
Alternative Dispute ResolutionCraig RobertsonDivorceLifeLoveMarriageMississippi Family LawSpiritual Life It Is Cheaper to Keep Her I am proud I have a pretty good record in our Mississippi family law and divorce courts. The main reason is because I do my…Craig RoberstonSeptember 18, 2013
Craig RobertsonDivorceLifeLoveMarriageMarriage HelpMississippi Family Law I’m Divorced, I’m Separated, I’m Miserable, What Now? Happy New Year! I have been intentionally silent in the blogosphere and email blast world for the last few weeks since our big gala for…Craig RoberstonJanuary 2, 2013
Craig RobertsonDivorceLoveMarriageMississippi Family Law The Strongest Drug Known to Man A counselor friend of mine from Meridian used to say that the strongest drug known to man is strange nookie. Wikipedia, the authority on everything,…Craig RoberstonOctober 1, 2012
Alternative Dispute ResolutionCraig RobertsonDivorceLifeLoveMarriageMarriage HelpMississippi Family LawSpiritual Life Love is Creative Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered a sermon in 1957 at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. It is definitely worth hearing. He said the following: Now…Craig RoberstonSeptember 20, 2012
Craig RobertsonLifeLoveMarriageMississippi Family LawPost-Divorce Go Buy a TV I have gotten on this kick where I like salmon for breakfast –whether it be in an omelet or on a bagel or served Benedict…Craig RoberstonAugust 21, 2012
Craig RobertsonDivorceLifeLoveMarriageMississippi Family LawSpiritual Life Cancer I’m going to say something that could not be more of an understatement. Cancer is a drag. My experience with the disease is next to…Craig RoberstonJune 21, 2012
Craig RobertsonDivorceLifeLoveMarriageMississippi Family LawSpiritual Life ICU The ICU waiting room is a terrible place. I spent 3 days there this week. One of the reasons I am not a doctor, other…Craig RoberstonJune 20, 2012
Craig RobertsonDivorceMarriageMississippi Family LawPost-DivorceSpiritual Life Not the Same It has been a while since I sat down to write a blog article. Who would of thought being the executive director of a new, …Craig RoberstonMay 25, 2012